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Why I’m Choosing to Write Instead of Coach: A Soul-Aligned Shift

Woman stretching, wearing sage coloured yoga gears with sage water bottle for blog post 4 niching myths debunked

Hey there, beautiful souls! Let’s dive into something real today. If you’re like many of the talented women I know, you’re juggling a million things at once—career, family, passions, and maybe even a side hustle or two. Somewhere in that whirlwind of life, the joy of pursuing what you love can get lost. Sound familiar? If so, grab a comfy seat, and let’s unpack this together because sh!t just got real in my world.

"Time and tide wait for no man."
Geoffrey Chaucer

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this inner “Professor Slughorn” vibe. No name-dropping, bragging, or crystallized pineapple here—just a genuine passion for helping others accomplish their full potential. As a photographer, I thrive on capturing the beauty of my clients, reminding them they are more than enough. For weddings? I love capturing love and connection as a story that resonates even with strangers, not just a photo. As a coach, I revelled in my clients’ success stories—those exhilarating moments when they ditched the 9-to-5 grind or embraced their dream of becoming digital nomads. You’d better believe I shed a tear (or five) when a client called to celebrate their first coaching client or booked their first premium wedding package. That’s what I live for: helping others discover their happy, their soul-aligned life. Because I found mine, and I believe everyone should live this way.

The Overwhelm of It All

However, reality hit me like a freight train. I’m the kind of person who immerses themselves in every passion, giving it my all every single time—which has come back to bite me. Juggling my family, photography business, coaching, membership programs, podcast co-hosting, masterminds, and full-time job became too much to handle. Even superheroes have their limits, after all, but something had to give. But what? I truly love doing ALL of that—even my full-time job, which I have no intentions of leaving. It felt dishonest to tell people they could find happiness outside the 9-to-5 when I had discovered my own joy within it. I needed to decide what to do.

Listening to the Whisper

Over the years, I’ve learned that being a soul-aligned entrepreneur means tuning into that whisper—the one that’s been screaming at you to do something you keep putting off. You know the one I’m talking about, right? Yeah, that whisper.

For me, that whisper was all about writing. I’m not a fan of being in front of the camera (as you may have noticed), and most of my coaching involved encouraging clients to read articles, books, and blogs. Even my courses were all written! So why was I battling against it? That whisper continued to get louder and louder: just write it all down. Keep going, don’t stop. Start a novel, write a short story, write more blogs, buy that notebook!

In April 2024, I finally listened to the whisper instead of resisting. So, I challenged myself. The challenge? Write a blog every day for 30 days. Easy, right? Not-so-much. I stopped after four days. I didn’t even make it a week! Why? I wanted to write; it should have been easy. Yet it wasn’t.

After a few days, I started to turn something that should have been a joy into a chore. I got caught up in the coaching industry’s version of who I needed to be, and I lost my focus. My intention shifted, and it was all wrong. I began focusing on getting others to join my “30-Day Writing Challenge,” which meant email lists, sign-up forms, and a lot of content creation. Yikes—no wonder it didn’t last. Total flop.

After a solid dose of self-pity, too much Ben & Jerry’s, and more wine than I care to admit, I had an “Ah-ha” moment. It wasn’t all the “stuff I had to do” or even the thought of writing every day that caused my challenge to flop; it was the intention behind it. I was turning something that flowed naturally into a pressure cooker of expectations. I turned something joyful into a business task, and in doing so, I ignored my own advice: just go with the flow and listen to what your heart and soul are telling you. The rest will follow.

Taking Action: Your Soul-Aligned Journey

That’s when I decided—no more 1:1 coaching, no more group coaching, no more facilitating altogether. I’m going to write. And let me tell you, I’m excited to write both professionally and creatively!

Don’t worry, my coaching memberships are still available, and I’ll continue adding valuable content for aspiring coaches and entrepreneurs. I’m here to support you on your journey while I explore this new chapter of my own. For me, this isn’t just about typing words on a page; it’s about sharing my experiences, insights, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I want to create a space where we can all feel empowered to explore our own journeys—whether that’s through the lens of a coach, a writer, or just a fabulous human navigating this wild world.

Writing allows me to connect with you on a different level. I can share the nitty-gritty details of my journey—the highs and lows, the successes and failures—like that “one” time I clumsily spilled coffee on my laptop (oops!). Writing is where I can be real without the pressure of being on camera or trying to impress anyone. It is where I know I belong. Finally.

Embracng the Change

So, what does this mean for you? Expect a lot more written content from me—articles, insights, stories, and maybe a few memes along the way. I’m here to inspire and empower you as you navigate your own soul-aligned journey.

And I encourage you, if you’re feeling the nudge to listen to your own whispers, I invite you to take that leap. Whether it’s writing, painting, or launching a business, trust your gut. It’s time to find your soul-aligned life and live it unapologetically.

Please follow my writing journey here and on Medium, where we can keep this conversation going. You, my friend, are not alone on your path. We’re all in this together, navigating the beautiful chaos of life, one heartfelt word at a time.

Remember, when you listen to that whisper and follow your heart, everything else will fall into place. So let’s do this together! What whispers are you ignoring? What dreams are you putting off? It’s time to embrace that voice and take action, whether it’s through writing, coaching, or simply doing what you want to.

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