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Woman working at her desk in her home office, looking at her phone

It seems impossible - until it is done.

Are you organized? I like to think I am, however; my husband would say I am not...Being organized should be a way of life and second nature. That is the stuff dreams are made of, if you ask me.

But alas, it is not. It is more of a chore than a habit to most of us. So, we need to take the time and make the effort to create the habit but once you do...I tell ya, you will want to stay that way. That is why I put together these nine tips to help you to stay organized every day with very little effort or fuss.

“With organization comes empowerment.”

Lynda Peterson

9 Tips to Help You Stay Organized Every Day:


Start your day by checking your schedule and your to-do list. It may be that you've thought of something you need to add. After reviewing your to-do list, create your Success List, so that you tackle the important items first


Plan your day according to your success list. Include calls, meetings, chores and goals. You can use pen and paper, a planner, a bullet journal, a planning app, or even Trello. Just pick one and stick with it.

Don't forget to include scheduled breaks and be sure to include time for friends and family.

 Use The F.A.R. Rules

The F.A.R. Rules are essential for helping you to stay organized AND they apply equally to your personal life as your business.

File it - if it's important and needs to be kept (either in paper or electronic form) then file it immediately.

Act on it - if something needs to have action taken, for example, paying a bill or making a call, then do it immediately. Then file or recycle it.

Recycle it - whether it's junk mail or papers and items you've finished with, recycle it immediately once it's no longer needed.

These rules apply to emails, paperwork, and even the dishes. By following them you can keep your surroundings and inbox under control.

Digital Aids

At times technology can be a distraction but there are some items that can help you become and stay productive. However, choose your devices and solutions with care so that you don't create more problems for yourself.

You may decide that an app to monitor your health and fitness would be a good idea to keep you on track with your goals. There are also menu planning apps, scheduling, time and project management, as well as household organization apps.


To be successful with organization you need to track and monitor your progress. Know what's working and what is not. Be prepared to make changes and adjustments to how you do things. Just because one method of organizing your closet doesn't work for you it doesn't mean that another won't.

Trash It

Don't keep things for the sake of keeping it. If it's not useful or necessary then throw it out. Marie Kondo that sh*t! "Does it spark joy? No? You no longer need it."

If you are keeping it then remember to put it away. That way you keep your surroundings free from clutter and distractions.


Going back to keeping track, if it works for you - keep doing it. If something hasn't been successful then identify what needs to be changed and change it.

5 Minute Review

End your day with a five-minute review. Celebrate your accomplishments and cross off everything you've achieved from your success list. Remove any inessential or unimportant tasks that are still remaining. And be sure to add whatever is left to the next day's list.

To-Do List

Create the to-do list for the following day. Include any important tasks that you didn't complete that day and only important items that need to be done.

Try and limit your list to a minimum, so you don't feel overwhelmed or end the day with a long list of unaccomplished items. Remember, we will review it and create that success list first thing tomorrow.

As a final note, I want you to remember; that becoming and staying organized doesn't happen overnight. It is a long and drawn-out process that requires consistency and requires regular effort. However, you can stay on track by following these nine tips. You can be organized every day with a little planning, time and effort.

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