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 Lessons Learned and Plans for Fall

Woman's purse spilled out on desk - for 5 mistakes business owners make when setting goals blog post

As summer slowly fades into those golden September days, I’ve found myself reflecting on everything these past few months has taught me. Balancing the warmth of summer with the ongoing demands of running a soul-aligned online business has been a dance—sometimes smooth, sometimes a bit chaotic, but always enlightening.

This summer, I leaned into the idea of slowing down to speed up, a concept that’s as comforting as it is counterintuitive, especially in the world of entrepreneurship. But trust me, when you’re building something as personal and purpose-driven as a soul-aligned online business, it’s essential to find that sweet spot between hustle and flow.

Every summer has its own story. Goodbye to one, and Hello to a new chapter.

Lessons from the Summer: How I Slowed Down to Speed Up

The summer of 2024 has been all about recalibration for me. I’ve taken a step back to truly listen to what my business and my soul are telling me. You know that feeling when you’ve been pushing so hard that you’re practically sleepwalking through your days? Yeah, that was me at the beginning of summer. I realized that while the strategies I was teaching worked great, they didn’t feel natural. After reading Soul Sourced Entrepreneur by Christine Kane, I began shifting from a purely strategy-driven approach to one that’s more aligned with my inner values and natural rhythms. I also recognized that finding balance and aligning my work with my true self needed to be applied more deeply in my own life.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the value of rest as a business strategy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do list, but this summer, I made a conscious effort to prioritize downtime. And you know what? That rest led to some of my most creative ideas for fall! I’ve come up with new course ideas, refined my coaching programs, and even mapped out fresh content for my blog and the STC podcast.

Fall Focus: Doubling Down on Soul-Aligned Goals

As we head into fall, I’m all about doubling down on what truly matters—both in my business and personal life. My focus keyword for the rest of the year? Soul alignment. It’s the anchor that keeps everything else in place.

This fall, I’m planning to dive deeper into helping other coaches and female entrepreneurs find that alignment in their businesses. I’m launching a new course specifically designed to help you identify what’s working, what’s not, and how to pivot toward a business model that not only pays the bills but also feeds your soul. It’s like Marie Kondo-ing your business: If it doesn’t spark joy—or, in this case, alignment—it’s time to let it go.

I’m also working on expanding my membership platforms, Coach’s Corner and The Business Suite, to offer more targeted resources and support for those of you looking to scale your businesses while staying true to your values. The goal is to create a space where you can find the tools, strategies, and community you need to grow your business in a way that feels authentically you.

Planning for the Last Part of the Year: Finish Strong

With summer wrapping up, it’s easy to fall into the “back-to-school” mentality, where everything feels like a fresh start. But instead of just coasting into the last quarter, I’m challenging myself (and you!) to finish the year strong. That means setting clear, actionable goals that are aligned with where you want to be by December 31st.

For me, that includes finalizing my new course launch, continuing to grow my memberships, and—this one’s a bit more personal—making time for creative projects that have been on the back burner for far too long. Whether it’s getting back into photography, working on some new blog content, or simply spending more time with family, these are the things that keep me grounded and energized for the work I do.

What About You?

Now, I want to hear from you. How are you wrapping up your summer? What lessons have you learned, and what goals are you setting for the fall? Whether you’re scaling your business, launching something new, or simply finding more balance in your life, I’d love to hear about your journey.

Shoot me an email and share your end-of-summer reflections. Let’s inspire each other to finish this year with purpose and passion!

If you’re interested in aligning your business with your true self, consider reading my Soul-Aligned eBook. It’s designed to help you clear the clutter, focus on what really matters, and build a business that lights you up inside and out.

Here’s to a soul-aligned fall and beyond!

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