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Monday Motivation

Have you ever heard the quote "Live out of your imagination, not your history." by Stephen Covey?

I hadn't until this weekend and  have been thinking about it ever since. So, today I want to encourage you to do the same.

Let this short quote fascinate you. Really dwell on it. How often does your past rule decisions about your future? Have you ever said:

“I’ve never been the kind of person to .”

“I just don’t see myself doing .”

“I tried that once and said I’d never do it again.”

These are the things we say when we’re living out of our history – as if we’re already moulded in a specific shape and can’t see the possibilities of doing something different.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions, and consider how you can start living out of your imagination, opening the door to endless possibilities.

Take Action:

Shake it off! 
If you were to shake off every past experience and lean into your most joyful imagination, what would you decide to move towards?

Woman walking barefoot along the beach carrying a white and wicker beach bag with the quote "Live out of your imaginatin, not your history" by Stephen Covey

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