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Negative Feedback is Fuel for Growth

two women working together reviewing items on a table.

I want to recount a time when criticism hit me hard. We’ve all been there, right? You pour your heart and soul into something, and then—wham—someone comes along with their not-so-sparkling opinion. For me, this happened early in my journey, when I was still finding my footing as an online business person.

I remember it vividly. I had just wrapped up a group coaching session that I thought went pretty well. Feedback forms were pouring in, mostly positive, except for one that stood out. This person didn’t hold back. They said my approach was “too fluffy” and that my strategies were “more feel-good than actionable.” Ouch. As someone who prides herself on offering strategies that are both empowering and practical, this felt like a direct attack on everything I stood for.

At first, I was defensive. My inner voice quickly justified: “What do they know? Maybe, they just weren’t up for this kind of work but the truth was, their words hit home. They lingered, gnawing at my confidence and making me second-guess myself. It’s funny how one negative comment can overshadow a dozen positive ones, isn’t it?

After a few days of wallowing in self-doubt (and maybe a little too much ice cream), I decided to take a step back and really think about that feedback. Was there any truth to it? Was there something I could learn here? The answer, as much as my ego hated to admit it, was yes.

I realized that while I was passionate about helping my clients connect with their true selves, I might have been relying too heavily on the “soul” part and neglecting the “strategies” part. I needed to strike a better balance between inspiration and action. So, I went back to the drawing board. I revamped my coaching sessions to incorporate both practical and introspective activities. I also made a point to check in with clients more frequently, ensuring they felt supported both emotionally and practically.

And you know what? It worked. The next round of feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and even the clients who had previously felt unsure began to thrive. That criticism, as painful as it was, pushed me to refine my approach and ultimately deliver even more value to my clients.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

Looking back, I’m actually grateful for that tough feedback. It taught me to listen, to be open to change, and to see criticism not as a personal attack but as an opportunity for growth. It’s easy to get caught up in our own vision and forget that there’s always room for improvement. Now, whenever I receive feedback—positive or negative—I take a deep breath, put my ego aside, and ask myself, “How can this make me better?”

So, what about you? How have you handled criticism in your own business? Have you ever had a moment where feedback felt like a setback, but turned out to be a springboard for growth? I’d love to know your stories. I invite you all to share your experiences, let’s learn from each other. My email is always open, and I am excited to hear your stories!

Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that every bit of feedback
is just fuel for the journey ahead.

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