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Monday Motivation

I hope your weekend was filled with fun! What did you get up too? Me? I ripped up the downstairs flooring and started putting in the new one! Honestly, it was a lot of fun, life’s too short not to enjoy those little moments, right?

Today is a different story. Some Mondays getting out of bed to chase those big dreams is about as appealing as doing your taxes—without coffee. Know what I mean?

So, how do you turn your Monday Blues into dream building action? Let me share something that’s worked for me—the “5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins. Have you heard of it? Basically, you count down from five and then take action, no overthinking. It sounds too simple, right? That’s exactly what I thought at first! But trust me, it’s a game-changer.

It really works! It’s like that nagging voice telling you to stay cozy under the blankets gets switched off. Before you know it, you’re up and moving!

But hey, I won’t sugarcoat it; it isn’t always easy. I’m right there with you, fighting the urge to hit snooze one more time. But just giving this a try—making yourself move when that countdown hits—is sometimes all it takes.

Watch the video below - I'll let Mel explain it and watch it work on the fly and in the moment!

How about giving this a try with me this week? Send me an email—I’d love to hear from you!

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