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My Mission, My Story

I have a big mission that I feel strongly for.

This mission drives everything I do.
This mission keeps my business alive.
This mission colours every little and big thing that I push out.
This mission is the glue that keeps it all together.
This mission gives my business direction.

My Mission:

To help women start and grow a profitable and viable, online coaching businesses, giving them the financial and time freedom needed to live life to the fullest.

Why is this my mission?

The first time, before starting my photography business, I had been jumping from job to job. Within 10 months, of every job I had, I would quit. There were plenty of reasons, bad boss, shady co-workers, lousy business values…You name it. Basically, it didn’t matter, I just wasn’t happy – so I started my first business. I was young, fearless and ready to take on the world.

Twenty years later, that first business is still up and running and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. With this business, I was living my dream life. Working with celebrities like Paul Brandt, Jann Arden, Russel Peters…the list goes on. I had a few large corporate clients, I was getting paid to travel the world; I was even getting an all-expense-paid work-trip to Disneyland every year!

However; it became a little too successful for my own good. I was photographing, on average, 69 weddings per year, each couple’s engagement session, family portraits, corporate and commercial work, volunteering, travelling, and I was taking the time to mentor up-and-coming photographers. Needless to say – eventually, I burned out.

It was time to take a step back...

I decided it was time to stop and take a long look at my life. Was I living that dream life anymore? It didn’t feel like it, so, decided to take a year off. During that time, a very good friend of mine was absolutely loving her corporate career and convinced me I would love it too. This is when I made a shift to the corporate world, I went and got a 9-5 job at one of the world’s largest insurance companies.

Within 4 years I went from a Customer Service Representative, in a call centre, to New Employee Trainer, Coach, and Acting Manager. Not an easy feat in the insurance industry or the corporate world altogether.

I loved it – I was, once again, enjoying life and moving my way up the ladder faster than anyone could believe. I even had a retirement plan which had me staying with the company for another 20 years! I was passionately involved in and committed to my team’s success, new employees, and the company and had turned my photography business into a small side hustle. Everything was perfect.

Then something changed.

After a year of major financial losses due to natural disasters, unusual weather events, raging forest fires, and more, the company seemed to lose its focus. It was no longer about people but the bottom line.

Employees became afraid to ask questions of their manager, for fear of their jobs, they were stressed out and completely overwhelmed, the company no longer cared about ensuring employee success or well-being. And to top it all off, my position put me right smack dab in the middle of it all.

It was no longer a good situation and when it wasn’t good anymore, it was bad. Needless to say, it was very bad.

I still loved my job but the company’s values no longer aligned with my own. I was still hustling and working as hard as ever, but I was going home feeling like I had caused more hurt than help at the end of every day.  My hands were tied and I was limited with what I could actually do to make a difference for the employees. I tried, in vain, as hard as I possibly could to bring back the values I could see no longer mattered. If you’ve ever been or are currently working in a toxic environment, I’m sure you can relate.

Filled with fear, I searched for answers.

Being much older and wiser than I was when I started my photography business, I wasn’t able to just jump right into starting a business with no fear. So, I did some soul searching and consideration, I realized that my corporate career was limiting my ability to help others and draining the motivation, happiness, and energy that I took great pride in.

I learned that a corporate career is not for everyone.

Realizing, I needed to be the change I wanted to see in the world and I wasn’t going to be able to do it under a corporate thumb. I learned that what I love most about the career and life I created for myself, up to this point, was helping others.  As a photography mentor, I took pride in helping other women make the transition from thinking they should start a business to becoming successful studio owners. As a coach and trainer in the corporate world, it was incredible being a part of someone’s career growth, development and success.

Even with newfound clarity, I was afraid.

With clarity, I determined that I craved the energy I feel when working directly with the dreamers, doers and bold difference-makers of today. Having a coffee, talking shop, coming up with strategic plans for their business or career is my favourite thing to do. Watching their success makes my heart smile, so, I knew, in my soul, this was the new path I was to take,  I had to create The Virtual Studio.

As I said, it wasn’t as easy this time around, as I was not as fearless as I once was. I continued with my photography studio as a side hustle, but I needed more and wanted to truly make an impact on women who felt trapped and stuck, like had felt.

I went through many weeks of self-doubt, emotional peaks and valleys on how I can actually make a difference. I became obsessed with online business and immersed myself in all of the coaches, courses, and advice I could find. I paid thousands of dollars for unkept promises and vague teachings, which only pushed me further down the rabbit hole of making a difference in the lives of women wanting to get out from under that corporate thumb.

Now, I am here for you.

Today, I help women start and grow a profitable and viable online business so they can leave their 9-5 jobs. I love being a Business Coach and Mentor and the best part – I am making a difference in those women’s lives and I am doing work that has me feeling appreciated, valued, respected, and warms my heart every single day.

I am studying to become a Certified Coach, also, I have created the Idea to Income System and the Executive Suit for women like you. It walks you through the very steps I took to make it to where I am today. Yes, it is possible, when you have a plan that will help you leave your 9 to 5 job and live the life you dream of. I’ve done it twice and can’t wait to help you do it because, honestly, once is all you need.

I get it, it sounds like a pipe dream or another empty promise with vague teachings – but it isn’t. I won’t allow that to be the case, I am 100% committed to your business success & helping you live your dream life.

So, join me. I know you are a dreamer, it’s time to be a doer and become a bold and successful online entrepreneur!

Working together, I know I can help you transition from Idea to Income with confidence.


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