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Are you serious about reaching your goals?

Have you ever thought about working with a coach before now? If you are serious about achieving your biggest goals, you might want to seriously consider it. Working with a coach is a great way to boost your results in almost any area of life. Having someone to teach you the ropes, or build more accountability into your life, is a wonderful way to ensure you achieve more. If you are wondering if working with a coach could help you, keep reading, this post is for you.

"A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life.”

John Wooden

Below you will find the first of nine powerful tips on why working with a coach is a good idea.

A Coach will help you define your goals. Many of us have goals, but often they are loosely (or not at all) defined. A coach can help take the hopes and dreams out of your head to create concrete goals. Instead of just wanting something, you start taking real steps towards it.

They add accountability by simply being there. Have you ever noticed, that we have a much easier time letting ourselves down than we do letting others down? Having a coach means one more person in your life you don't want to let down. Simply by hiring a coach, you will feel more accountable and be more likely to achieve your goals when you know someone will ask you about your progress.

They encourage you to define your values. Do you know what you stand for? I am sure you do, we all know what we stand for and believe in, we know it in our core. Maybe a better question is, do you know your core values? Regardless of the question, if you struggle with the answer, then a coach can help you. A coach can't tell you your values, but they can ask you questions that will help you define them yourself.

A coach will help you become self-aware. A good coach will help you become more self-aware. This self-awareness will allow you to be more honest with yourself, helping you clearly discover what you are good at and what you aren't so good at doing. Self-awareness allows you to double down on your strengths while figuring out how to deal with your weaknesses.

Assists Skill Building and Development. The most obvious benefit of a coach is their ability to help us build specific skills. For example, if you are interested in becoming a better business person, it makes sense to work with a business coach who has been there and done that. You get to learn from both their experiences and their mistakes.

In next week's article, I will share the final few reasons and three actionable steps you can take right away. So be sure to come back next Monday!

The Coach: Book cover by Joelene MIlls

The Coach: Finding, Learning, Becoming

Discover the POWER of coaching to take your business to the next level.

In "The Coach - Finding, Learning, Becoming" you are going to learn about the power of both receiving and providing coaching services. You will start by learning what coaching is all about, how you can benefit from finding your own coach...and ultimately become a coach to help others.

With "The Coach", you will discover...

  • What coaching really is and why you should have one.
  • The best practices for finding a coach to help you on your journey.
  • How to become the best coach possible.

Join hundreds of other successful coaches


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