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Woman's purse spilled out on desk - for 5 mistakes business owners make when setting goals blog post

We’ve all been there: the end of the year is staring you down like a final boss in a video game, and somehow you’ve gone from confident warrior to slightly panicked sidekick. The goals you set back in January? Yeah, they’re still haunting your planner, waiting for you to breathe life into them. It’s the last quarter, and you’re thinking, “Can I really still finish strong?”

The short answer is yes. The more nuanced answer is: it’ll take focus, honesty, and some soul-aligned work.

Let’s talk about how you can turn a slow burn into a Q4 power play, even if you feel you’re crawling to the finish line. Whether you’ve had a year full of wins, or you’re limping toward the last stretch, there’s still time to make meaningful progress.

The Q4 Struggle is Real

If you are anything like me, you started the year off with a bang—new planner, shiny pens, and a lot of goals. Crushing it for the first few months. Then, somewhere around mid-year, life happened. Your energy dipped, distractions popped up, or you got caught in the messy middle where all motivation seems to disappear.

Guess what? You’re not alone. Statistically speaking, most people have already forgotten their New Year’s resolutions by mid-February. And if you’re an introvert or a new entrepreneur, you might feel this pressure even more acutely. It’s easy to internalize failure when we don’t meet our own expectations, but here’s the kicker: the year isn’t over.

This is where Q4 comes in like your personal superhero—one last chance to make your mark and finish what you started. And spoiler: you don’t have to go at it alone. By aligning with your true purpose and including others, you’ll feel empowered instead of defeated when you reach the finish line.

Singer and songwriter Adele accepting Academy Award
Singer and songwriter Adele accepting Academy Award

The Power of Soul-Aligned Goals

Before we talk about action steps, let’s first address the most crucial part of finishing strong-alignment. It’s time to be brutally honest with yourself about the goals you’ve been chasing. Do they still align with what you really want? Or have they morphed into some form of obligation from outside pressure?

In my Q4 planner, there’s a really impactful exercise called Soulful Recommitment. It’s where you take a good, hard look at your goals and decide what matters because, remember, you don’t have to tackle everything. In fact, you shouldn’t.

I once set a goal to launch a massive course in Q4 after a year of slow progress. When October arrived, I still hadn’t outlined the course, but I was convinced that I had to launch it before the end of the year. Truth be told, I didn’t, but what I did do was take stock of the projects that actually lit me up. I realized that creating a smaller, soul-aligned offer was not only doable but would also leave me feeling fulfilled rather than exhausted. It wasn’t the plan I started with, but it was the plan that made sense to where I was.

So, if you’re staring down a list of untouched goals, do yourself a favour: narrow them down. Focus on the one goal that will bring you the most satisfaction by December 31. Yes, just one. Let this be your focus for the rest of the year.

Break It Down: Focus on Efforts, Not Outcomes

The thing about big goals—they are overwhelming. The solution? You’ve heard it before-break them down into smaller, manageable pieces and don’t obsess over the outcome. Instead, zero in on the effort you’re putting in. It’s the process that will carry you to the finish line, not sheer willpower or some magic overnight success formula.

Start by listing all the actions you can take to move the needle on that one specific goal. For example, if your goal is to launch a course, your action steps might include:

  • Week 1: Map out the course goals and target audience.
  • Week 2: Outline the course structure.
  • Week 3: Draft the first module.

By focusing on weekly actions, you give yourself room to pivot, adjust, and stay committed without feeling overwhelmed. As my Q4 planner advises, don’t plan too far ahead. Set yourself up for one easy win at a time, and you’ll create momentum that carries you through to the end.

Get Support (Yes, Even You, Introverts)

Now, if you’re anything like me, the idea of involving others in your goal-setting process can feel like a hard pass. After all, you’re an introvert. The thing is, I have learned that accountability can also be subtle and quiet. It can be as simple as telling one trusted friend or colleague about your goals and asking them to check in with you.

When I was launching my first online membership, I hesitated to tell anyone. What if I failed? What if I changed my mind halfway through? After I shared my goal with a close business friend, something shifted. Not only did I feel more accountable, but I also felt supported in a way I hadn’t anticipated. And-it made all the difference.

Singer and songwriter Adele accepting Academy Award

So, whether it’s a business buddy, a coach, or even a virtual group, don’t underestimate the power of sharing your goals. Aligning with others who uplift you can create a ripple effect of positive energy that keeps you on track.

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