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How to Boost Your Revenue Before Fall

Empty Daily task notepad on orange backdrop with white pen, orange scrunchie and a pair of reading glasses for the End of summer sales strategies blog post

It’s that time of year when the kids are getting ready for school, and you’re realizing that the beach days are coming to an end. But while everyone else is soaking in the last rays of sunshine, you, my friend, have a golden opportunity to boost your revenue before fall rolls in, helping pay for all those school supplies and backpacks! And let’s be real—who doesn’t want a little extra cash before the holiday season?

So, let’s dive into some end-of-summer sales strategies that will not only help you finish the season strong but also set you up for a successful fall. And hey, if you’re craving more, check out my “Double Your Coaching Income” course available inside The Business Suite. It’s packed with sales strategies that will keep that revenue growing all year long.

  • Clear Out Summer Inventory with a Flash Sale

    If you have any summer inventory, now is the perfect time to sell it, whether it’s digital products, coaching packages, or merchandise. Think of it like a closet cleanout—except instead of making space for next season’s wardrobe, you’re making room for new offers and fresh ideas.

  • Here’s a tip from my experience: create a sense of urgency-and stick to it. A 48-hour flash sale can work wonders for your bottom line. I once ran a flash sale for my “CEO Mindset” course, offering it at 30% off for just two days before it became exclusive to the Suite. The result? A 20% increase in sales from that single promotion. People love a good deal, especially when they know it’s about to disappear faster than a popsicle on a hot day.
  • Bundle Your Offers for Added Value

    If you’ve got a few different services or products, bundling them together can create a win-win situation for both you and your clients. Not only do they get more value for their money, but you also increase your average transaction size.

    Let’s say you’re a coach with a course on goal setting, another on mindset, and maybe a third on business systems. Package them up into an “End-of-Summer Success Bundle” at a discounted rate. It’s like getting a three-course meal for the price of two. And trust me, who doesn’t love a good bundle? (Looking at you, value meal lovers.)

  • Host a Live Workshop or Webinar

    People are always looking for ways to finish the year strong, and what better way to capture their attention than by offering a live workshop or webinar? You can position it as an “End-of-Summer Strategy Session,” where you provide actionable tips for them to implement right away.

    I’ve seen this strategy work wonders in my own business. Last August, I hosted a live webinar focused on prepping for Q4, and not only did it attract new clients, but it also increased my course sales by 35% that month. The key here is to offer real value during the session and a juicy offer at the end that’s hard to resist.

  • Engage Your Audience with a Social Media Countdown

    Remember when we were kids, and we felt excitement (and maybe a little dread) in the days leading up to school? Channel that energy by creating a countdown on your social media channels. Each day, share a tip, a testimonial, or a mini-offer leading up to the big finale—your end-of-summer promotion.

    For example, I am planning a “5 Days to Fall” countdown on Instagram, sharing course snippets, client success stories, and daily discounts. By the time day five rolls around, I expect people will be throwing their credit cards at me. Okay, not literally, but you get the idea.

  • Leverage Email Marketing with Exclusive Offers

    Your email list is like your VIP club—they’ve already shown an interest in what you offer, so give them something special. Send out an “End-of-Summer Exclusives” email series, with offers only available to your subscribers.

    This strategy has always been a game-changer for me. Last summer, I offered a special bonus for anyone who signed up for Coach’s Corner through my email list. Not only did it make my subscribers feel valued, but it also resulted in a 20% conversion rate increase for that campaign. A little exclusivity goes a long way.

  • Use Testimonials to Build Trust and Drive Sales

    Social proof is a powerful tool, especially when people are making last-minute decisions. Gather testimonials from happy clients who have benefited from your summer offers or your business. Share these on your sales pages, emails, and social media to build trust and encourage others to take the plunge.

The end of summer doesn’t have to mean the end of sales.

With these strategies, you can boost your revenue, engage your audience, and set yourself up for a successful fall. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, try a few of these tips, and watch your sales heat up like a late-August afternoon.

And if you’re serious about doubling your coaching income and need more detailed strategies, my “Double Your Coaching Income” course inside The Business Suite is calling your name. Trust me, it’s packed with everything you need to take your sales game to the next level.

Happy selling, and here’s to a fantastic end of summer!

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